πŸ’₯ Monthly Horoscope for April 2023 | Kelli Fox

April gets off to a thoughtful start with Mercury moving from superfast Aries into far more mindful Taurus on April 3rd. This makes the early part of April a good time for careful, thought about decision-making, directed by sound judgment and grounded reasoning.

The Moon on April sixth remains in air sign Libra. This is another rational impact, cooling some of the heady feelings typically related to a Moon. However, Libra impacts are always tinged with love and love, so this lunation is practical for anybody who requires to make an important decision in a relationship.

When Venus changes indications on April 11th and heads into Gemini, we'll have yet more air-element influence on love – but Venus' transit through Gemini is infamously flirtatious, so there might be some jealousy throughout mid-April, too.

Nevertheless, the cool, airy, and somewhat removed ambiance is set to alter drastically on April 20th, when we see the first in a new series of Eclipses, on the Aries-Libra axis. This Solar Eclipse happens in the very last degree of Aries, so is most likely to bring effective impulses and a lot of hot-headedness.

Check out October's individual horoscope for your zodiac indication here.


About Kelli.
Kelli was first drawn to astrology during her childhood in Australia where she began taping sun indications for anyone going to share. She studied at the College of Humanistic Astrology and from there became certified with several companies: PMAFA, ISAR C.A.P., CA NCGR IV. In 1995, Kelli developed astrology.com where she continued to live her passion until 2003. In 2019, Kelli created and launched Astrology.tv to meet a requirement she saw in the current astrology landscape.

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πŸ’₯ Monthly Horoscope for April 2023 | Kelli Fox

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